Memorandum for the Soul in difficult times

Every living being deserves to live a full and satisfying life, where you can put into action the innate talents of your soul and make them evolve and grow creatively, such is the continuous movement of life and creation.

The love you receive is the love you feel you deserve. The love you feel for someone or something is the love you have inside of you.

If you meet someone on your path who does not recognise you, let him/her go and see if there is any part of you that does not recognise and questions yourself. Each meeting is an event, a spirit that delivers a message to us. How we react towards it shows the level of ease or discomfort regarding the relationship we have with the image that the event gives us.

The world will give you back your reality when you give others back their reality through your eyes, without therefore projecting on them desires, hopes and images that do not belong to them, that do not correspond to their nature and individuality. Everyone has a unique path and that's okay.

Just as you let others be free to be who they are, the more you will be free to be who you are.

There is nothing to defend but your right to awaken, and it is defended through will, perseverance, and practice to consciously return to the essential state of reality which is Sat Cit Ananda: Existence is Consciousness and Joy, and therefore to a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of true well-being.In a world full of resistance towards the Soul, the act of awakening is an act of freedom, Love and rebellion against a social system that does not nourish the soul and does everything to catch it. The awakening is therefore the result of a profound choice (more or less conscious), of the intent to free oneself from the illusion to resume seeing and experiencing the surrounding territory through expanded states of consciousness closer to what is the truth.


Muzzle and Ears: two magic spots


Soul Imaginal Counselling