Interspecies Communication
Interspecies Communication
Do you want to talk to your Dog or Cat or even your favorite Plant? Knowing what he thinks, telling him what you've always wanted, in a nutshell..starting a dialogue!
I can talk to him for you or teach you directly how to do it!
Communicating is not just talking, but it means sharing something. Putting a feeling, a thought, an emotion in common means that both members understand what the other wants to express. The art of listening is the foundation on which the ability to speak and communicate to others takes its roots.
It is a wonderful journey, where the mental buzz lowers its volume and the space of the heart becomes the protagonist.
During my adolescence I received a great gift. The great initiation into Interspecies communication. It was my dog's soul that opened this door for me at the moment of his passing. Hers, ours, was a process that has its roots in Love. In the midst of the excruciating pain of physical separation, I realised that our souls were constantly next to each other. She started talking to me, then we started talking .. until one day I no longer felt her around me .. she had just reincarnated! We met a few months later and we are still walking the path of life together.
Communication with my beloved dog allowed me to begin a dialogue with every animal both on this side and on the other side of the great threshold.